
Are you ready to dig deeper?

About Us

Our Soul Purpose

Greetings! My name is Amelia Howard and I am a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Qualified Supervisor for Mental Health Interns, Masters Level Certified Addictions Professional and Certified Mental Health First Aider and Trainer.

I have been passionate about the fields of mental health and substance abuse since I was a teenager.

I have worked in community and clinical settings for now for over 15 years, non-profit sector, managed healthcare, provided individual, family and group counseling; I create curriculums and facilitate groups and training opportunities as well as present and speak on panels and events.

Creating a natural rapport and an environment for sustainable growth and change while watching my clients utilize the tools skills that we have developed over our time together is more than my job. It’s my calling.

I’m passionate about advocacy and increasing awareness regarding mental health and people of color. I started my private practice, Soul Purpose LLC, in the middle of the pandemic last year recognizing the need for healing during such an unprecedented time. I felt called more than ever to use my gifts to help others.

I am excited about the opportunity to provide a safe space for my clients to be their full selves and increase awareness about areas they want to work on to create a more fulfilling experience in their life!

portrait of Amelia Howard

Amelia Howard

Our Services

What We Can Do

  • Individual Therapy
  • Family Therapy
  • Qualified Supervision for Mental Health Interns
  • Group Counseling
  • Couples Counseling
  • Professional Consulting
  • One on One Coaching
  • Mental Health First Aid Certified Instructor
  • Employee Assistance Programs for Small Businesses
  • Specialty Workshops
  • Speaking engagements*

*Are you looking for a speaker for your next event? Please reach out to me directly for a list of topics or discuss your individual needs

Contact Us

    Our Location

    4951 E. Adamo Drive
    Suite 238, Building B
    Tampa, Florida 33605
    Creative Soul Counseling Alliance